Private Firms Join Hands for Famine Relief


As the number of people at risk of starvation grows with the drought ravaging northern parts of Kenya, a section private firms has joined hands to mobilize funds food that will be distributed to families facing starvation.

Prime Bank in partnership with Sunrise Walkers, Rotary Club of Parklands, Rotary Clubs of District 9212, Red Cross and Parklands Sports Club joined hands to donate 250 metric tonnes of food items to feed 20,000 families facing starvation

The initiative is part of efforts to rally Kenyans to come to the aid of millions of Kenyans in need of food aid salt in Marsabit, Samburu, Isiolo, Garissa and Wajir, with each family set to get 20kgs of maize flour, 5kgs beans, 1kg cooking fat and 1kg.

Speaking during the flag –off of 25 trucks full of the foodstuffs, the Initiative’s Ambassador Dr. Rasik Kantaria said insufficient rainfall across Kenya has left close to 2 million people without food and source of livelihood.

”I am proud to report that today through the efforts of these companies and other well-wishers, we have successfully mobilized food aid that will ensure our brothers and sisters in northern Kenya will not sleep hungry atleast for now,” said Dr. Kantaria.

Dr. Rasik Kantaria
Dr. Rasik Kantaria

“We need to act now to protect the most vulnerable communities from the threat of widespread famine, with the vision of providing long term solution to this recurring state,” he added Dr. Kantaria who is also the Chairman of Prime Bank.

In his remarks, Kenya Red Cross Governor, Hon. Geoffrey Korir appreciated the generosity of the firms and appealed for more efforts to address the current food crisis.

“We have learned from the past that during such crises it takes collective effort by all of us to live through.” He added.

Mr. Korir, on behalf of the families that will receive this food, thanked the firms for their generosity and solidarity.

Kenya Red Cross Governor, Hon. Geoffrey Korir

Other organizations which are part of the initiative include Bluenile Rolling Mills, Victoria Commercial Bank, Diamond Trust Bank, Tausi Assurance, Radisson Blu Arboretum, Elgon Kenya, Wondernut Ltd, community based organization Kenya Brahma Sabha, among others and a number of individuals.