Nairobi, 2nd April 2019. Prime Bank in conjunction with Sunrise Walkers Group, Lions Loresho Sight First Eye Hospital, Rotary Districts of Nairobi, M P Shah Hospital, and Parklands Sports Club have joined together in aid of Kenyans afflicted by starvation due to drought, by donating 500 metric tonnes of famine relief food.

Under the umbrella of Famine Relief Activity Initiative, the group flagged off over 40 trucks of relief food to be distributed to those affected to supplement the Society and government’s efforts to alleviate the situation.

The Kenya Red Cross Society on 21st March this year launched a campaign to appeal for aid help people afflicted by starvation as a result of drought in the country.

According to the Society, over one million Kenyans are facing starvation in parts of Wajir, Tana River, West Pokot, Tharaka Nithi, Samburu, Nyeri, Marsabit, Laikipia, Mandera, Lamu, Kitui, Kilifi, Isiolo, Garissa, Embu, Baringo and Turkana counties.

Speaking during the flagging off of the trucks at Parklands Sports Club, the initiative’s Ambassador and Prime Bank Chairman Dr. Rasik Kantaria urged all communities, institutions, individuals and friends of Kenya to join in helping fellow Kenyans in dire need of food relief.

“Individually and collectively let us all join hands in making a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are suffering in the arid and semi-arid parts of our beloved country. They are in dire need of food and nutrition because drought has ravaged their source of livelihoods. Children, lactating mothers and the elderly are the ones who are severely affected,” he added.

Kenya Red Cross Society Secretary-General Abbas Gullet appealed to corporate institutions to adopt areas that are constantly affected to bring a long lasting solution to the perennial problem.

“Sadly, drought relief initiatives have become an annual event. Every year we have to call upon you to assist drought stricken areas. If each company present here was adopt a village in their corporate social initiatives, then we would be addressing the problem on long term basis,” he added.

Other groups which contributed to the cause include Hindu Council of Kenya, Tausi Assurance, Shree Jalaram Satsang Mandal, Hotpoint, and SBM Bank among others.

The Kenya Red Cross will oversee the distribution of the 500 tonnes of foodstuffs and cereals to reach out to atleast 100,000 people affected mainly in Turkana and Baringo counties.

From Left: Prime Bank Chairman Dr. Rasik Kantaria, Company Secretary Mr. Arun Shah, Managing Director Mr. Bharat Jani, and Vice Chairman Mr. Shantilal Shah during the flagging of foodstuffs and cereals to reach out to families affected by famine in Turkana and Baringo counties.