prime bank boosts kiambu countys fight against covid-19

Kiambu County government has received a major boost in the fight against the management of Covid-19 after it received a donation of an ultrasound system from Prime Bank.

The digital color Doppler ultrasound system valued at approximately KShs. 1.5 Million was donated to Tigoni Level 4 Hospital which has since been converted to a Covid – 19 isolation facility – Kiambu County Covid-19 Centre Limuru.

Speaking during the handover ceremony held at Riverside Head Office along Riverside Drive on 6th August, Prime Bank Managing Director Mr. Bharat Jani said the hospital which is already receiving Covid-19 patients will immensely benefit as the ultrasound machine has become a very useful tool in the fight against Covid – 19.

“As part of that commitment, today we are donating a digital color Doppler ultrasound system valued at approximately KShs. 1.5 Million to Tigoni Level 4 Hospital which has since been converted to a Covid – 19 isolation facilities”, he added.

Also speaking during the event, Dr. Joseph Murega, the Kiambu County CEC for Health said the donation by Prime Bank affirmed the need for deeper public and private sector partnerships to achieve greater good. “The Ultrasound we have received today from Prime Bank will not only help Covid-19 patients at the hospital but will go a long way as a necessity in the Intensive Care Unit for many years to come,” he added.

The Bank has since set aside KShs. 15 Million to support both Government and private sector efforts to flatten the Covid – 19 pandemic curve.

The Bank is also working with community based organizations to support their efforts of providing food, hand washing stations, and sanitizers to vulnerable families.

From Left: Mr. Bimal Shah, Managing Director Broadway Group of Companies , Mrs. Marion Mwangi, Managing Director British Oxygen Company, Major General (Dr.) George Nganga, Director of Medical Services Kenya Defense Forces, Dr. Joseph Murega, CEC Health Kiambu County, Mr. Bharat Jani, MD- Prime Bank, Ms. Josephine Macharia, Head of Human Resource- Prime Bank during the hand over of the the ultrasound.